Git repositories moulti / master tests / data / social-preview / 4-script.contents.log

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4-script.contents.log @masterraw · history · blame

   1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
   2 export MOULTI_INSTANCE='social-preview'
   3 [ "${MOULTI_RUN}" ] || exec moulti run -- "$0" "$@"
   4 source moulti-functions.bash
   5 moulti_check_requirements toilet dig ping 'bat|batcat' head tail
   6 moulti_tool_is_available batcat && function bat { batcat "$@"; }
   7 moulti step add title --title='This is a Moulti [italic]step[/]' --top-text='It was made using [yellow1 bold]moulti step add[/] and shall display MOULTI:' --bottom-text='Neat, eh? I made it with [yellow1 bold]toilet -f mono12 --metal[/]'
   8 toilet -w 130 -f mono12 --metal '    MOULTI' | head -8 | tail -n +2 | moulti pass title
   9 moulti step add step_ping --classes='success' --title="PING ($(dig +short AAAA 56 data bytes" --max-height=5 --min-height=5 --bottom-text='This is a second step, made via [blue1 bold]ping | moulti pass step_ping[/]'
  10 ping | moulti pass step_ping &
  11 moulti step add collapsed --classes='warning' --title='This step probably shows things of the utmost importance, but right now it is collapsed.' --collapse --text='Gotcha! There is nothing in here!'
  12 moulti step add script    --classes='error'   --title='Anyway, here is the script that generated all of this:'
  13 bat -f -n -l bash "$0" | moulti pass script