#!/usr/bin/env bash
export TERM=xterm-256color
[ "${MOULTI_RUN}" ] || exec moulti run -- "$0" "$@"
source moulti-functions.bash
moulti_check_requirements apt
# We could use apt-get BUT there is no equivalent to apt list --upgradable.
function apt {
local rc
command apt "$@" 2>&1 | grep --line-buffered -vP '^(?:WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI|$)' || true
return "$rc"
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
set -e
moulti_type set --title 'Moulti demo: Debian upgrade'
sleep 0.5
STEP_ID=apt_update moulti_exec apt update
# Display the list of upgradable packages:
STEP_ID=apt_list moulti_exec apt list --upgradable
# Get user confirmation:
moulti buttonquestion add confirmation --bottom-text=' ' \
--title='Proceed with system upgrade?' \
--button yes success 'Yes, upgrade' \
--button no error 'No, abort'
answer=$(moulti buttonquestion get-answer confirmation --wait)
# Stop there unless we explicitly get the green light:
if [ "${answer}" != 'yes' ]; then
moulti buttonquestion update confirmation --bottom-text='Upgrade aborted.'
exit 1
# We got the greenlight: reflect it on the question itself and (slowly) collapse all previous steps:
moulti buttonquestion update confirmation --class=success
sleep 0.3
moulti step update apt_update --collapsed
sleep 0.3
moulti step update apt_list --collapsed
sleep 0.3
moulti buttonquestion update confirmation --collapsed
# Finally proceed with the upgrade itself:
STEP_COLLAPSE_ON_SUCCESS=2 moulti_exec apt full-upgrade -y
moulti_exec apt autoremove --purge
moulti_exec apt clean